Cost Comparison Tool

Cost Comparison Tool

Compare rates and retailer products based upon an estimated consumption. See your results in as little as 60 seconds.

Where do you need your energy?

Please choose below.

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Usage type
Energy options for single family dwellings, and separate households for domestic purposes only (not for home businesses).
Energy options for commercial sites operating small businesses. Generally, the operating demand must be less than 75KW or consumption less than 5000kWh per month, depending on your distributor.
Energy options for farming operations located in a rural area.

Enter your city/town/postal code to see estimated costs based on the Alberta average, which is calculated using residential, farm and small business consumption data from the Market Surveillance Administrator.


The UCA encourages consumers to always confirm rates with the retailer directly by checking their website, or through phone/email.


Note: Average electricity bill estimates for farms assume consumption in each of the farm, grain drying, and irrigation rate classes.


Average natural gas bill estimates for farms assume seasonal consumption for irrigation purposes only.


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Energy options differ depending on your location. Try starting over and entering in your location using your postal code, or city/town to see your area's results.

Note: You may be in a territory served by a Rural Electrification Association (REA) or a Natural Gas Co-Op. The Cost Comparison Tool does not display their utility rates. Please contact your REA or your Natural Gas Co-Op directly or contact a Mediation Officer for assistance.

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Enter your usage on your bills

Usage is the amount of energy you consume. It varies from property to property and can depend on your house size, number of occupants, type of heating, use of things like hot tubs and air conditioners, types of appliances and more. To get the most accurate rate comparison, enter your own usage from a recent bill. Look for it on the second or third page of your bill. Electricity is shown as kWh (kilowatt-hours) and natural gas is shown as GJ (gigajoules). See an example.

Your usage can be found on your bill. See example.

Sample recent bill
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Enter the Electrical and/or Natural Gas usage on the bill

Natural Gas