Financial assistance may be available if you need help with your utility bills. Click on your region below for list of agencies who may be able to help:
• Across Alberta
• Edmonton and Area
• Calgary and Area
• Central Alberta
• Southern Alberta
• Northern Alberta
Across Alberta
211 Alberta
If you need assistance finding additional resources, call 211 by phone or visit their website.
Alberta Seniors Benefit
Phone: 780-644-9992 ┃Toll-free: 1-877-644-9992
The Alberta Seniors Benefit provides a monthly payment to eligible seniors to assist them with essential living expenses. The benefit is sponsored by the Government of Alberta and provides a source of non-taxable monthly income.
Eligibility Requirements
AUPE - Member's Benevolent Fund
Phone number: 1-800-232-7284
The Members' Benevolent Fund is overseen by a committee of AUPE members. It provides financial assistance to members in qualifying emergency situations.
Eligibility Requirements
Canadian Forces Personnel Assistance Fund - Financial Distress Program
Phone: 1-888-753-9828
Provides emergency financial assistance through grants and loans to serving and former Canadian Forces personnel to prevent disconnection of essential utilities or other qualifying circumstances.
Eligibility Requirements
Emergency Needs Allowance
Phone: 1-866-644-5135
The Emergency Needs Allowance program in Alberta offers one-time financial assistance to eligible individuals who are experiencing unforeseen emergencies. These emergencies must pose severe health risks and cannot be managed with current resources or by waiting for regular income.
Eligibility Requirements
NOTE: In cases where you utilize this assistance more than once you will be required to repay the funds.
Veterans Emergency Fund
Phone: 1-866-522-2122
Provides emergency financial assistance through grants and loans to serving and former Canadian Forces personnel to prevent disconnection of essential utilities or other qualifying circumstances.
Eligibility Requirements
Edmonton and Area
Bissell Centre - Community Bridge Program
Phone: 780-423-2285
Community Bridge is a rapid response intervention providing support to people living in Edmonton to help stop an eviction, disconnection or foreclosure. It is a one-time assistance program to be used as a last resort once all other options have been explored.
Eligibility Requirements
NeighbourLink Parkland
Phone: 780-960-9669
NeighbourLink Parkland provides emergency funding for utility payments on a case-by-case basis to residents of Spruce Grove, Stony Plain, and Parkland County. Potential recipients should contact the office directly for assessment.
Eligibility Requirements
NOTE: Utility assistance is limited and not NeighbourLink Parkland's primary focus, applicants are encouraged to exhaust all other available options and there is no guarantee of assistance.
Norquest Emergency Funding
Phone: 780-644-6130
NorQuest College provides short-term emergency loans to currently enrolled credit students with legitimate needs. Loans are repayable within 30 days or by the end of the term and are available once per term.
Eligibility Requirements
The Good Neighbour Fund
Phone: 780-486-9215
The Good Neighbour Fund provides limited assistance to those requiring support in exceptional cases not covered by other funding.
Eligibility Requirements
Society of St Vincent de Paul – Edmonton
Phone: 780-471-5577
The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul - Edmonton offers compassionate support by providing emergency assistance, including assistance with utility payments, to individuals and families facing financial hardship across the Edmonton region.
Eligibility Requirements
University of Alberta – Bursary and Emergency Fund
The Office of the Registrar provides diverse financial aid options, including bursaries for ongoing academic and living expenses, and emergency funding for unforeseen financial crises during the academic year. Students can apply based on their specific needs and eligibility criteria.
Contact the registrar using the student support centre website.
Calgary and Area
Calgary Senior's Resource Society
Phone: 403-266-6200
Calgary Seniors' Resource Society provides a range of essential services for seniors, including programs like Essential Transportation, Practical Kindness, Shopping Companion, Friendly Check-In, and others, supported by dedicated volunteers to enhance senior well-being and community connection.
The Calgary Senior's Resource Society offers resources only; they cannot provide financial assistance.
Centre for Newcomers
Phone: 403-569-3325
Settlement services at the Centre for Newcomers in Calgary assist immigrants and refugees in successfully transitioning to their new home.
The Centre for Newcomers offers resources only; they cannot provide financial assistance.
Inn From The Cold
Phone: 403-263-8384
Assists families in Calgary with a pregnant mother or children under 18 who are at risk of losing their home. Referrals can be community-based or self-initiated. The Shelter Prevention and Diversion Specialist assesses the family's situation and needs, with eligibility determined through a screening process.
Eligibility Requirements
Mount Royal Emergency Funding
Phone: 403-440-3303
Mount Royal University offers a non-repayable emergency bursary for students encountering urgent, unforeseen financial difficulties. Eligibility requires current enrollment and documentation of financial hardship.
Eligibility Requirements
Rise Calgary - Basic Needs Fund
Phone: 403-204-8280
The Basic Needs Fund, operated by The Distress Centre (211) and Rise Calgary, offers financial support for utility arrears and disconnection notices to eligible Calgarians.
Eligibility Requirements
SORce (Safe Communities Opportunity & Resource Centre)
Phone: 587-779-5015
SORCe provides information on available programs to those at risk of experiencing homelessness in Calgary. They do not offer direct emergency housing or financial assistance but can help coordinate services on a walk-in basis only.
Central Alberta
Neighbor Aid Centre - Camrose
Phone: 780-679-3220
Neighbor Aid is a non-profit that provides programs to those in the Camrose with a variety of programming including emergency financial assistance and referrals to other community support agencies.
Eligibility Requirements
Southern Alberta
University of Lethbridge Emergency Student Assistance
Phone: 403-329-2222
This is available for students attending the University of Lethbridge who are experiencing personal financial difficulty. There is a maximum of $600.00 for assistance.
Eligibility Requirements
Northern Alberta
Fort McMurray Centre of Hope – Eviction Prevention Program
Phone: 780-215-1622
The program is designed to assist individuals facing eviction due to income gaps, offering a plan that is customized to each participant's circumstances, which typically ranges from 30 to 90 days in length.
Eligibility Requirements
Grande Prairie Friendship Centre
Phone: 587-297-9500
The Kiwewin Housing Loss Prevention Program helps secure short-term financial support for utility arrears if a long-term plan is in place to maintain housing.
Eligibility Requirements
If you are an organization offering resources to those struggling to make utility payments and would like to be added to this list, please email