There are rules to ensure that you receive quality service from your electricity or natural gas company.
Regulated and competitive electricity and natural gas companies, Rural Electrification Associations (REAs) and municipally-owned utilities are subject to the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) Rule 003 and must comply with the Electric Utilities Act, Gas Utilities Act, and Code of Conduct Regulation. Regulated retailers must report on customer satisfaction and their handling of customers complaints to the AUC, which uses this information to monitor the performance of utility companies.
You should contact your utility company directly to discuss your concerns about service or rates. If you are still dissatisfied, you may contact the Utilities Consumer Advocate or Alberta Utilities Commission for assistance or to file a complaint.
Service Guarantee Credit
You may be entitled to service guarantees in the form of a $150 credit if:
- your regulated retailer sends you a written notice of pending disconnection in error
- your regulated retailer disconnects your service in error
- you receive a written notice of pending referral to a credit agency in error
- you were referred to a credit agency in error
In addition to service guarantee credits, AUC can levy specified penalties when service providers contravene AUC rules.
Competitive retailers are not regulated by the Alberta Utilities Commission and must comply with the Consumer Protection Act and the Energy Marketing and Residential Heat Sub-Metering Regulation. If you have a concern about unfair practices or service from a competitive retailer, you should contact them directly to discuss your concern. If you are still dissatisfied, you may contact the Utilities Consumer Advocate for assistance or to file a complaint.
Examples of Unfair Practices:
- Switching your retail service without your authorization.
- Selling energy products at your door without your invitation.
For Customers With a Regulated Retailer:
Alberta Utilities Commission Rule 003
How to Make a Complaint to the Alberta Utilities Commission
For Customers With a Competitive Retailer:
Unfair Business Practices and How to Prevent and Solve Problems